At Holden Clough Primary School our pupils have the opportunity to join extra-curricular activities.
Swimming Lesons
All children in Year 4 take part in swimming lessons on Tuesday mornings at Active Ashton.
iMedia Club
We are pleased to be able to offer the exiciting opportunity to take part in our after school iMedia Club provided by Junior Jam. Pupils in Year 1 to 6 will have the chance to learn about animation, photography, film making and coding. There is a small charge for this activity.
Forest School
Forest School enables children to explore, learn and play in a safe and supportive natural environment. It is a unique opportunity for children to develop teamwork skills, improve confidence and initiate their own learning outside of a classroom.
Our Year 4 and 5 pupils each year have the option to take part in Bikeability cycle training. Bikeability teaches children the skills and confidence to ride their bike on the road safely. For more information visit: this website.