Reading Curriculum


We want the pupils at Holden Clough Community Primary School to love to read, reading is the basis of everything we do. Holden Clough is situated in the local authority of Tameside; an area which has been identified as having high levels of social deprivation. We have a number of disadvantaged children, and increasing numbers of children with English as an additional language.  With this in mind, at Holden Clough Community Primary school, we need to ensure our Reading Curriculum enables all children learn to read. We need to be relentless in our strategies when breaking down the barriers to reading. Our reading curriculum has been designed to help tackle the effects of deprivation, whilst promoting the love of reading as well as developing sound strategies for deciphering unfamiliar words.



At Holden Clough Community Primary, we strive to develop the full potential of all our pupils so they become confident, literate readers. We want to foster a lifelong love of reading by exposing our children to various literature across all curriculum areas. We believe reading opens up a new world for children and gives them the opportunity to explore new ideas, visit new places, meet new characters and develops their cultural capital. Building up the children’s vocabulary (WELCOMM & NELLI- a range of teaching strategies and visuals which encourage the development of vocabulary skills) gives them the word power they need to become successful speakers and writers as well as confident readers.


Purpose of Study

(Taken from the National Curriculum, page 14).

Refer also to Reading Progression

The programmes of study for reading at Key Stages 1 and 2 consist of two dimensions:

  • Word reading
  • Comprehension (both listening and reading).

It is essential that teaching focuses on developing our pupils’ competence in both dimensions; different kinds of teaching are needed for each.


Word Reading

Skilled word reading involves both the speedy working out of the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words. Underpinning both is the understanding that the letters on the page represent the sounds in spoken words. This is why phonics should be emphasised in the early teaching of reading to beginners and this happens as soon as pupils join Holden Clough Community Primary School.



Good comprehension draws from linguistic knowledge (in particular of vocabulary and grammar) and on knowledge of the world. Comprehension skills are developed through pupils’ experience of high-quality discussion with the teacher, as well as from reading and discussing a range of stories, poems and non-fiction. All our pupils are encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction to develop their knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live, to establish an appreciation and love of reading, and to gain knowledge across the curriculum. Reading widely and often increases pupils’ vocabulary because they encounter words they would rarely hear or use in everyday speech. Reading also feeds pupils’ imagination and opens up a treasure-house of wonder and joy for curious young minds.


(Taken from the National Curriculum, page 13).

The overarching aim for English in the National Curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. The National Curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • read easily, fluently and with good understanding.
  • develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.
  • acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.
  • appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage.
  • use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas.
  • are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.



If children are to develop as competent, fluent readers it is essential that they have secure understanding of grapheme-phoneme correspondence to blend phonemes into spoken words and segment spoken words into phonemes. Such skills are essential to developing competent and assertive readers. At Holden Clough, we follow the systematic approach of ‘First Class Phonics’. Pupils will learn the initial letter sounds and their matching graphemes as they progress from Nursery to Reception. They will be explicitly taught the skill of segmenting and oral blending, which is vital for the initial stages of early reading. This consistent and rigorous approach will provide our children with the foundations to become enthused readers with a passion for storytelling, literature and vocabulary. 

Reading is a key life skill and we strive to embed a culture of reading into the core of what we do. This is done through the teaching of comprehension skills through whole class guided reading in Years 1-6*. At Holden Clough, we provide opportunities for children to read both independently and aloud as well as allowing them the chance to discuss and recommend books they have read to their peers. On a daily basis children have opportunities to read for pleasure and each year group has a class novel that is shared with the children during the school day. Reading and quality literature is implicitly interwoven into our curriculum through the use of key texts to expose our children to various genres and famous authors and to enhance the variety of exciting topics that we teach. *In KS1, a hybrid whole class guided reading model is adopted.


How do we Prioritise Reading at Holden Clough?

Funding/ Resourcing

Each academic year a proportion of the budget for English will be set aside to maintain and enhance the school texts. This will allow the school to meet the demands and needs for the academic year and children. The budget will allow the school to replenish and update stock to maintain children’s interest and pleasure of reading. A portion of the budget will also be set aside for prizes and rewards for reading. This will include prizes for frequency or reading, engagement of reading and academic achievement in reading.  We have also established an ‘Amazon Wish-list’ whereby parents, school stakeholders, wider school community can buy and donate books for the school.  The books on the list are collated by class teachers and subject leaders in consultation with the reading lead. We also have several fundraising events throughout the year whereby proceeds are added to the budget for reading. 


In EYFS there is at least an hour a day dedicated to learning to read and to the love of reading. In Nursery twenty to thirty minutes is dedicated to listening to stories and rhymes. Phonics is taught discretely for 10-15 minutes per day.

In Key Stage One there are discrete Phonic sessions and guided reading sessions, totalling an hour a day and then an additional 10-15 minutes a day dedicated to reading for pleasure. In Key Stage Two children have three, forty-five minute whole class reading sessions whereby comprehension is skills are honed, with an additional thirty minute session per week being devoted to reading fluency in the shape of a whole-class ‘Echo Reading’ session.  

Planning/ Monitoring

We ensure Reading is highly prioritised on our school improvement plan and the reading action plan is shared with all teaching staff in the school. In the action plan we indicate when and how reading will be monitored in the school. We use data from our termly assessments to identify where children are falling behind the expected standard. Teachers and support staff carry out Yorkshire Assessment for Reading Comprehension (YARC) tests in Years 2-6 twice yearly, to ensure that the teaching of reading and the interventions for reading are impacting on the reading outcomes for all children. In EYFS and Year 1, we assess children on their phonetical knowledge at half-termly intervals.  With a focus in Key Stage 2 being largely on comprehension, we ensure those children who are still struggling to read fluently or phonetically are provided with additional phonics, echo reading and ‘Toe by Toe’ interventions. We conduct pupil voice questionnaires and interviews to ensure children are developing a love of reading!


Training is identified for staff in the action plan. Through observations and book scrutiny we identify which teachers might need more support with subject knowledge. All new teachers to the school are given a thorough induction on how we teach reading at Holden Clough, to ensure all children are receiving the best possible quality first teaching. Furthermore, we ensure all staff that teach Phonics are given training to deliver Phonics teaching from phases one to five. We also use our outstanding phonic teachers to demonstrate lessons and plan with new teachers to ensure consistency, quality and the opportunity to ensure all Phonic teachers have the same strong subject knowledge.  Furthermore, we deliver training for those who read individually with the children from teaching assistants to volunteers.


Everyone at Holden Clough is responsible for the reading outcomes of our children. Primarily, it is the class teacher who is responsible for the progress in Reading in their classes and the progress of their one-to-one reading children (intervention.) The class teachers are responsible for the children developing their love of reading in their classrooms where the reading culture is paramount and clearly evident in the environment. At Holden Clough we have a small reading team. We have one member of staff with an overall responsibility for reading across the school, with a separate phonics lead.  Both work very closely to ensure there is progression across the subject area. 


How do we develop a love of Reading?

At Holden Clough the active encouragement of reading for pleasure is a core part of every child’s educational entitlement, whatever their background or attainment. Holden Clough takes the view that extensive reading and exposure to a wide range of texts makes a vital contribution to every child’s educational achievement. We aim to establish each child as a lifetime reader. “Becoming a lifetime reader is based on developing a love of reading (Sanacore, 2002)”. Studies are stating the importance of reading for pleasure for both educational as well as personal development. These studies show that promoting reading can have a major impact on children, their future and their life chances.


The school undertakes and implements plans to ensure that there is a wide range of texts within the school and classrooms. Texts include:

  • Age related fiction and non-fiction, including high quality poetry.
  • Internet- based texts, accessed via various subscribed sites on iPads.
  • Children’s own work and topic based information (within books and on displays).
  • Provision is made to provide texts which accommodate all reading ages and abilities.


Reading Aloud

Regular time is spent reading aloud by the teachers at Holden Clough. They have designated slots within the timetable in order to allow adequate time to frequently model good practise by reading aloud to the children. Children benefit tremendously from being read to aloud and studies show that children who are read aloud to are more likely to do better in school both academically and socially. All year groups will have a variety of diverse authors of which they will read a range of books by and build up a familiarity and love of themes and authors books. These will vary in types in order to both encourage a love of a series of books but also expand children’s horizons and allow them to experience new horizons and spark new interests. It is the teacher’s duty to ensure children’s ‘Cultural Capital’ is developed. By this we take the wording from the National Curriculum; “It is essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement! “We believe this can be done by ensuring children have a rich and varied reading diet!


Class Novels/Texts

The texts the teachers will read to the class are planned out half-termly/termly and are for pure enjoyment (in Key Stage 2, novels are used as part of whole class guided reading). All teachers in Years 1-6 will have designated door displays and/or areas in their classrooms to promote the class novel each term, and in EYFS book areas, linked to their core text will display a range and variety of texts by the author/ theme from which children can choose and enjoy reading for pleasure. This will allow children to develop a wider understanding and comparison as well as developing their wider Literacy skills.


Reading for Pleasure

We endeavour to ensure every child has the chance to choose their own text to read during their classes allocated free-reading time. This is conducted for ten minutes ideally straight after lunch but failing this whenever in the school day it is possible. Time will be spent with older children to choose a book they will enjoy. Furthermore, they will be encouraged to persevere with their chosen text and finish the book so as not to be changing the book every day.


Getting Parents Involved

Reading records are the main form of communication with parents with regard to their reading progress. Children are encouraged to read every night. This is consolidated by our ‘Reader of the Week’ awards assembly where we celebrate reading at home in the form of a token for our book vending machine. Our 1:1 Reading Intervention also supports children who are struggling with their reading. This requires parents and teachers to work together and commit to reading with the child daily.  We also run reading parent workshops across all three phases.


Classroom Reading Areas

All classrooms in EYFS and Key Stage 1 will have a reading corner to promote reading for pleasure. Children will have access to a variety of books which they can read by choice. They will include a variety of genres and authors, and cover a wide range of potential areas of interest. Research consistently shows that one of the most effective strategies for fostering a love of reading within every child from a young age is the creation of an effective classroom reading area as it serves as a constant stimulus for the child to pick up a book and start reading through choice. As a result of Covid-19, classroom reading areas have been identified as one of our areas for development. 


In Key Stage 2 there will be an area of the classroom to celebrate and promote reading. Additionally, there will be access to areas in the playground where children can read in a peaceful area through choice. There will be access to a wide variety of texts including books and comics in accessible to all ages and abilities in all. By providing a variety of places and stimulating environments to read, teachers promote increased reading frequency and more diverse reading experiences for each child. In addition, we believe a rich classroom reading area will increase children’s Literacy-related skills by allowing access to dictionaries and thesauri to allow children access to understand and learn through reading. They will also promote phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension and writing.



  • At Holden Clough, we celebrate World Book Day with different activities every year from dressing up to having authors visit!
  • Every classroom will have a book corner with a range of fiction and non-fiction texts in a variety of genres and styles, reflecting culture, gender and language. Children will be able to ‘access’ these books no matter what book band they are.
  • KS1 and KS2 will have reading areas that will be monitored and kept up-to-date with the latest books by the class teacher and English lead.
  • Children have the opportunity to access books digitally via iPads.
  • Reading will be celebrated and rewarded through the ‘Reader of the Week’ raffle, whereby children from each of the phases are entered into separate draws for their dedication/engagement with reading. Three tickets (one from each phase) are then drawn and that child is awarded with a certificate/letter of achievement and a token to go choose a book from our book vending machine. Children will be presented with these in our Award Assembly, every Friday, and this is broadcast through the school’s various social media outlets.
  • ‘Reading talk’ is promoted by asking children which book they are reading, what their favourite book is and discussing our own reading interests. Reccomendations are then displayed around school – for example our ‘Bookflix’ area in the KS2 library.



How do we teach reading at Holden Clough Primary?

We use The Simple view of Reading which illustrates how reading is split into two strands, as stated in the National Curriculum; word decoding and comprehension. The Simple view of reading demonstrates how synthetic Phonics should be the prime approach to reading, along with comprehending the meaning of the text as part of the daily reading routine in school.


The Simple View of Reading

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How do we teach Reading at Holden Clough Primary School?

How do we prioritise Early Reading?

Reading in the Early Years

Working with the revised Early Years Foundation Stage: Principles into Practice

Julian Grenier- Early Adopter version

It is crucial for children to develop a lifelong love of Reading.

Reading consists of two dimensions: language comprehension and word Reading. Language comprehension (necessary for both Reading and Writing) starts from birth. It only develops when adults talk with children about the world around them and the books (stories and nonfiction) they read with them, and enjoy rhymes, poems and songs together. Skilled word reading, taught later, involves both the speedy working out of the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words. (Pg 86)

From the start of Nursery at Holden Clough, children are immersed in an all-encompassing literary environment. Tameside is classed as an area of high social deprivation, with a lack of literacy skills being linked to this.

When children start our Early Years, they have communication, Language and Literacy skills below national standards. We are acutely aware of this and we tailor our curriculum to tackle these effects of deprivation. The focus is on the prime areas first, developing children’s Personal, Social and Emotional development, Physical development and Communication, Language and Literacy.

We recognise that language and communication are vital in all areas of a child’s development.  We welcome children from culturally diverse backgrounds and many of our children are at an early stage of learning English as an additional language (EAL).  Communication and language development are therefore a consistent focus.  We support children’s development by providing a rich language environment, where conversations, singing and sharing stories become a regular part of the children’s day. Our Core curriculum is planned and sequenced carefully, demonstrating skilled progression of knowledge and understanding.  We use ‘First Class Phonics’ to teach phonics. (See Phonics Section.)

Reading Wall – How we teach Reading

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How do we teach Phonics?       

At Holden Clough we use First Class Phonics which supports the systematic and synthetic teaching of phonics to support children in the process of learning to read and write. As children progress in their phonic knowledge children will move on from learning letters and the sounds that they make, to using and applying this knowledge to read and write words, then into reading and writing sentences. We give the children the opportunity to use and apply their phonic learning through games and activities so that they then use this in their independent reading and written work. We believe that all children can progress with Reading.

Phonics from the Start

From Nursery, children start straight away with Phase One. This is the only phase that is different to the other phases, as it runs continually through Nursery and Reception.

It is the foundations of language and listening, including singing, rhyme, rhythm.  

It is set out like this;

  • Aspect 1: General sound discrimination – environmental sounds.
  • Aspect 2: General sound discrimination – instrumental sounds.
  • Aspect 3: General sound discrimination – body percussion.
  • Aspect 4: Rhythm and rhyme.
  • Aspect 5: Alliteration.
  • Aspect 6: Voice sounds.
  • Aspect 7: Oral blending and segmenting.


In addition to Phonics, children are exposed to high quality texts with repetitive language and children start to learn some texts off by heart. Time for reading stories and rhymes is inbuilt into the timetable in Nursery. We put a large emphasis on oral blending and segmenting, and only when we feel the children are ready and confident in doing this, do we start them on Phase Two. This is when letter sound correspondences are introduced, in the hope of children establishing some grapheme correspondences in particular. Our phonics scheme ensures clear, logical progression and highlights when certain sounds are to be introduced, how many sounds children should know at various different points within the term, and when the different phases are taught. The overview also demonstrates the high frequency words and tricky words (words that cannot be decoded using phonic skills) that children should know at different points throughout the year from Nursery to Year Two. (See Phonics Overview).

Reception teachers carry out ‘sound checks’ at the end of Phase 2 and further checks are carried out by teachers at the end of Phase 3 and 4. Furthermore, new children to Reception, that have not attended our Nursery are tested on their phonological awareness when they start. In addition to this, formative assessment is embedded as part of the four-part lesson, every day and this is then used to inform the revisit section of the four-part lesson the next day.


How do we spot children who are not keeping up with Phonic Program and how do we help them catch up?

Regular assessment (See assessment schedule) is used to ensure that children are in the correct phonics groups. In Reception, if children are falling behind the expected standard in Phonics, they are supported by a Teaching Assistant in a smaller group where gaps are addressed. All teaching assistants that support children who fall behind in Phonics are trained accordingly through the creators of our bespoke Phonics scheme. Children are frequently assessed to see if they have caught up.

In Year One children are grouped in terms of where they are in their Phonological knowledge; this allows for children that benefit from learning in smaller groups to be accommodated for. Children who are working at a faster pace are identified and work in a group with children at the same ability allowing them to progress at a faster pace. Children with SEN or who are not keeping up with the pace of phonics teaching, either work in a group but with a Teaching Assistant and in some cases a member of staff designated to work as a specific Phonic booster. This provides additional support, on top of their daily phonic sessions, or they work individually on their phonic targets (identified in IEP’s), depending on their needs. The impact of this is seen in the improvement in marks in the practise Phonic Screening Check and overall reading results.

In Year Two, if children have not passed the Phonic Screening check, they have a ‘Sound Check’ at the beginning of Year Two. All of year two are taught Phase Five again to embed the learning, as we have noticed this improves their spelling. However, in addition to this a program is devised following the Sound Checks that tackles the gaps in children’s phonological knowledge, whilst developing their sight vocab of high frequency words and tricky words. This is delivered for twenty minutes a day. In addition to this, the children who do not pass the phonic screening check are always part of our 1:1 Reading intervention.


Phonic Training

The teaching Assistants that work with the children who are falling behind are specifically trained in Phonics. Everyone who teaches Phonics has training from external providers; First Class Phonics (BcEd). Furthermore, they are supported by the Phonics lead. This involves lesson demonstrations and planning support.  Children that do not pass the Year one phonics screening test in Year One have the opportunity to repeat the test when they are in Year 2. We acknowledge that for most children regular Synthetic Phonics lessons are the best way to learn, but some children require a different approach or a combination of different phonic strategies.


How do we teach Phonics?

All children (Reception - Year 2) have a daily phonics session of 15-20 minutes.  (Subject to whether they have passed the phonics screening or not). This follows the four-part lesson and includes a focus on applying what they have learnt into their writing. We try to involve the children in as many exciting games and activities to make phonics fun! There is a balance of reading and writing activities. Furthermore, children experience ‘pseudo words’ in preparation for the Phonic Screening Check.

The Four Part Lesson Model

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Whole Class Guided Reading Hybrid Model in KS1

Why do we teach a hybrid model of whole class guided reading in KS1

We opted to go down the route of adopting a hybrid model as we see the benefits of both whole class guided reading through shared texts and also the traditional carousel format of guided reading.  After embedding the former in KS2, which in turn has lead to better outcomes in reading, we felt that if this diet is good enough for Years 3-6, then why can’t we adapt it so KS1 are also receiving it?  The only potential barrier to this however was the fact that these children were still in the process of developing their reading fluency and thus why have developed a model whereby within the weekly whole class guided reading timetable, whereby the focus is primarily comprehension, every child will still get the opportunity to hone/develop their reading fluency and  challenge and further develop their independent reading strategies in a smaller group read conducted with a member of staff. 

By adopting such a model, we hope and feel we are able to secure more progress amongst our children in terms of the two separate National Curriculum aims when it comes to reading of word decoding and comprehension (as defined in The Simple View of reading) and this strategy gives teachers the opportunities to teach children other cues to assist word meaning, for example; leave the word out, look for smaller words within words and comprehension skills through the content domains.

The initial reading skills obtained in EYFS are developed in Key Stage 1 in Guided Reading. Most importantly, the continued enjoyment of reading is promoted through reading for pleasure. Guided reading is undertaken daily for approx. 30 minutes and when working on their reading fluency as part of the hybrid model, children work in small groups according to their relevant phase of the phonics scheme and book band level a minimum of once a week. 

Each child will have a weekly guided reading session with their teacher and progress is monitored and recorded closely. The books provided are carefully selected and varied and include fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Texts are closely linked to the appropriate phonics phase within First Class Phonics and chosen from the appropriate book band level for each child.

Children develop as early readers with 1:1 pointing, predicting, checking meaning and initial / final sounds applying their phonic knowledge to read words. As they become more fluent, confident readers the children begin to develop skills of inference, consider the meaning of unknown words, text layout – specifically for nonfiction text, decoding unknown words and checking meaning.

Each Guided Reading session is structured and planned carefully to include 5 stages:

  • Book introduction
  • Strategy check / comprehension focus
  • Independent reading
  • Returning to the text
  • Responding to the text

Throughout each session questions and discussions points are centred around the reading gems, a child friendly way to introduce children to the content domains used in the end of Key Stage 1 testing. Using the reading gems ensures the development of comprehension and introduces children to the skills of inference and prediction. Throughout the teaching of reading in Key Stage 1 children are encouraged to reflect on what they have read and articulate their own thoughts and views through discussion.

When children are not receiving a guided read session within their group they are partaking in whole class guided reading.  This is planned using the KS1 content domains and each day has a different domain focus.  The session incorporates a starter activity, shared reading (including choral and echo reading strategies), vocabulary extraction and then a follow up comprehension task with whole class feedback being sought on conclusion of the session.  For those children going out for their guided reading session, we always ensure they are first exposed to the shared reading with the rest of the class before then engaging in their separate session.  Teachers carefully plan so that guided reading groups aren’t missing coverage of the same content domain each week.

Here are the content domains:

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The teaching of reading in KS2

Why do we teach Whole-Class Guided Reading?

To reach the higher standards at the end of Key Stage Two to the Expected standard in Reading, we researched the most effective methods for teaching children to learn how to comprehend texts. Whole class guided reading was a strategy that some schools were using that was having a massive impact on their Reading results. We believed that this strategy would be beneficial to our children.. This directly impacted on the children’s reading attainment and we felt that this approach was more beneficial. Teachers use the content domains and questions stems to plan engaging sessions that bring the text to life!

In KS2 reading skills are developed through whole class guided reading lessons and shared reading. We are aware that pupils need to experience the content domains which are used in the KS1 and KS2 test framework. Although created for the KS1 and KS2 test frameworks, the content domains are essentially a list of the skills needed to become a fluent and resilient reader. We believe that the teaching of reading should include more than awareness of the skills needed to get children through the test; the application of those skills are fundamental to the understanding of what is being read. This is why during our shared reading the content domains are covered during shared reading lessons. 

Our approach ensures that these key reading domains are referred to in a child-friendly way called ‘Reading Gems’, as illustrated below.

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Each reading gem has a set of question stems which link again to the content domains the pupils will experience in the KS2 test framework. The question stems form the basis of the day to day teaching of shared reading.

Below is an example of the question stems from the reading gem infer.


2d: Make inferences from the text/Explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text

  • Explain how ______?
  • Explain why ______?
  • Why did _______?
  • Why is ________?
  • How does ______?
  • Why do you think _______? Explain using the text.
  • How do you know _______? Explain using the text.
  • When do you think________? Explain using the text.
  • How can you tell that ______? Explain using the text.
  • True/False
  • What makes you think that?
  • Which words give you the impression that _____?
  • How do you feel about ________? Why?
  • Can you explain why_______?
  • Which word tells you that _____?
  • Quotation from the text. What conclusion does ________ draw from this?

Each year group has a carefully selected range of texts that are used in shared reading. These texts are age appropriate and also challenging. Shared reading lessons are 30/45 minutes long and each domain is taught effectively and pupils are exposed to opportunities to practise and explore them.

We want our pupils to be well read and have a passion and enthusiasm for books that are rich in both language and experience, so we introduce such texts to them, encourage reading and promote books at every opportunity. It is important that we, as teachers, have a good knowledge of literature to not only ensure that pupils meet the different demands of the curriculum, but also to support them in their choice of books; guide them in discussion about authors and to create a buzz and excitement about Reading.

Reading at Home - Books Match Sounds

This table ensures children are reading the correct banded book, taking into account their actual reading age, the Phonic Phase they are on and the expectations of the National curriculum. Children take books home that allow them to practise their phonic knowledge. Books are matched to the phonic phase children are on and teachers use their awareness as to how far along the phase they are when selecting a book for home.

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Reading books

In Nursery children choose a book to take home for their parents to share and read with them.  During the Spring Term they also take home a book from one of the reading schemes in school.  They begin with library books which encourage the children to try and develop a love of reading from an early age. As children in Reception progress on to phase two, they then start to take home pink banded books when they are ready. Children are listened to read once a week at least and if children require their books changing more, we will change them. We put a lot of emphasis on teachers, not just teaching assistants writing in the home school reading journals in pink pen as we feel this encourages the parents to read more frequently with the children. Teachers are expected to do this weekly.


Reading Schemes

From Reception to Year Two we use these Reading Schemes that are banded and linked to Phonic phases.

  • For take-home books we use ‘Collins Big Cat’
  • For guided reading we use the following: ‘Pocket Phonics’, ‘Bug Club,’ ‘Collins Big Cat’ & ‘Dandelion Readers’.

In Key Stage Two, children continue to progress through our reading scheme, whilst we also endeavour to achieve that children become ‘Free readers’ when the class teacher deems appropriate. Free Readers: The texts the children choose from are all age appropriate and bought from a range of different sources, including purchases from school stakeholders through our school ‘Amazon’ Wishlist.  The teacher then guides the children to choose appropriate texts from this selection. Children in Key Stage two are listened to read aloud at least once a week by teaching staff. Our KS2 banded books consist of texts again sourced from Collins ‘Big Cat’ and also National Geographic’s high interest collection.

These are banded from: Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Diamond and Pearl colour bands.


Guidance for Parents

We offer guidance and support for parents to help their children with reading. This includes;

  • At the start of every academic year, we have parent’s meetings where the expectations for Reading are shared with the parents. Resources are shared from question Stems, linked to the content domains, to words lists.
  • We also offer tips for making reading fun at home on our website.
  • Reception Phonic Meeting- Parents informed about how to teach phonics
  • Year One Phonic Parent Meeting – Parents are invited to come and learn about how we teach Phonics and the requirements of the phonic Screening Check.
  • Year Two and Six have parent meetings about the requirements in terms of reading for the end of key stage SATS. We also purchase and provide Reading revision guides from CGP through our Pupil Premium funding.
  • Our home school reading records are bright and engaging, with further guidance inside them on Phonics and comprehension questions parents can ask the children.


Tips to Make Reading Fun at Home

  • Make books part of your family life - always have books around so that you and your children are ready to read whenever there’s a chance
  • Join your local library - get your child a library card. You'll find the latest videogames, blu-rays and DVDs, plus tons and tons of fantastic books. Allow them to pick their own books, encouraging their own interests.
  • Match their interests - help them find the right book - it doesn't matter if it's fiction, poetry, comic books or non-fiction
  • All reading is good - Don’t discount non-fiction, comics, graphic novels, magazines and leaflets.
  • Get comfortable! - snuggle up somewhere warm and cosy with your child
  • Ask questions - to keep them interested in the story, ask your child questions such as, 'What do you think will happen next?' or ‘Where did we get to last night? Can you remember what had happened already?’
  • Read whenever you get the chance - bring along a book or magazine for any time!
  • Read again and again - encourage your child to re-read favourite books and poems. Re-reading helps to build up fluency and confidence.
  • Bedtime stories - regularly read with your child or children at bedtime. It’s a great way to end the day and to spend valuable time with your child.
  • Rhyme and repetition - books and poems which include rhyme and repetition are great for encouraging your child or children to join in and remember the words!


Reading in the Community

We endeavour to try and source as many volunteers as possible to support children’s development in reading. These primarily consist of parents and other people from the community that come and read with our children. All these volunteers are trained and receive an induction on how to ensure the 1:1 reading is successful and productive.


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